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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The target for my audience was late teens to mid 20’s so my school was an ideal location to trace down people for feedback throughout the making and finishing of my music video and digipack. This was helpful to me because I am the same age so i found it comfortable to understand their decisions on my feedback.
Audience feedback can be collected in many ways such as surveys, questionnaires or face to face . After our first draft i sent it on the social networking site Facebook to some friends within the age of my target audience and asked for their feedback.
mike fb
When receiving feedback saying things like “your lip syncings good but the cameras shaky” and you need different angled shots”, I learned that developing my filming techniques was my first priority and that even though this could be time consuming the final product will prove the effort i have put in. I also received comments from Mr Zaidi and listened a lot because he has experience of seeing many students videos with some being better quality than others.
This first section of feedback got me to research more and looking at media websites such as and which basically increased my range of knowledge on how to improve my filming.

Throughout the duration of editing I asked for feedback from different students as well as the same people, this helped because it gave me a bigger variety of feedback and took it constructively to motivate me get the best out of our clips. As i have already posted, i got Jason Grandidge to give me feedback when i was about 3 quarters of the way through my music video.

Taking his comments on board, we did infact add still images to our piece proving that i welcome constructive criticism if thats what i need to improve my work. After finishing my music video, I decided to show fellow media students and ask their views on my final piece.
“Best lip syncing I’ve seen this year.” – Lewis Jackson
“The locations are effective, and the black and white makes it look cool man.” – Ryan Jones
“I like how much energy you put into it, it shows passion” – Libby Holman
“Effects look awesome!” – David Piper
“I love the train with the credits at the beginning, gives it a professional standard about it”. – Mr Zaidi
“More locations could have improved the jump cuts but overall impressed.” – Jim Sparry

The feedback was positive although i do agree with the negative comment, if i could do it again, i definitely would spend more time looking more cool settings to film in. Overall, i achieved my objective my reaching to my target audience which is very good news. Again, if i had planned a bit more even before filming i would have not needed the audience to tell me more footage of different places was needed and we would have only received good comments to say. I have taken these comments positively though because you always need negative comments to motivate yourself to be better next time.

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