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How effective is the combination of your main product and the two ancillary texts?

Now being an artist, i would need to transform myself into a commodity which is making products promoting myself just like i have done with the poster. Representing my media products to make a company image is the aim to get the video, digipack and poster to look efficient. Whether it is a music record company, TV company or film company, marketing is crucial towards a successful campaign. This is synergy which is where different types of media are used to all play their part in promoting a product. The poster is more of a promotional package towards the product which is the digipack as well as the music video. As our music video uses the black and white theme throughout, to make our whole package professional and effective the cd cover and poster had to be the same. The fact i am trying to present the product in different formats of media attracts a bigger range of audience and gives me and josh a better image. Our idea has come from many famous people and one example is rapper Nelly who released his video for “Just a dream” in black and white to keep it relevant with his album cover for “Brass Knuckles” which was also in back and white.
Sticking with the content of promotional packages there were things we legally had to include in both our digipack and poster such as the record label representing the artist, a copyright warning and a bar code. The branded record label representing our artist T.I. was Atlantic records so we had to include their logo on our products.
Consumers may see this logo around on other artists records or products too and their aim is to spread their brands image to gain more success. The American marketing association believes that for success in branding, it must be understood how important it is to integrate the artist through synergy at every point of public content eg. my poster. I purposely kept the black and white theme the same as well as reusing images to stick in the audiences head. The one thing i changed was turning my adverts font colour to gold, i felt that this was intruiging and gold represents money/wealth just like the conventions of hip hop follow. I feel like this works effectively by itself and as a whole product with the two ancillary texts aswell.
Here is the album name presented in gold.
Hopefully with the way my products are repeatedly presented in the same style it will attract consumers and stay in their memory and then they would tell others using word of mouth. This is why i feel like all 3 of my different formats of media have effectively combined to create a successful product!

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